We work with artists

Here at Artist in Residence Apparel (aira) we believe in the value artists bring to the world. So we built a platform for art lovers to buy well-made, durable clothing and discover new artists and illustrators.

  • Sharing profits

    Our collaborators receive 50% of their collection's profits. We know the importance of art in the world, so we want to be an avenue for artists to benefit financially.

  • Made-to-order

    In a world with landfills full of unworn clothing, our products are made-to-order, ensuring we make the exact amount of clothing needed by our consumers.

  • High quality, limited edition

    Our products are extra special, because once they're gone, they're gone! And they're made of durable 100% cotton, so they'll last for years and years.

Natalee Miller Collection

Three tees and two prints featuring THE WOMAN by Natalee Miller. Each...